Some new bits ready to be assembled later, these are laser cut stainless steel sections which when cut/joined and silver soldered will become the hinged fall plate. that's the steel footplate which is hinged to the cab floor and drops down onto the tender wooden floor. These will require a fair bit of work before they become one part, the diamond nameplate will be in the centre, it's angled sides match those of the diamond pattern sections. These will be either side of the name plate and need shaping to match the drawing of the prototype. These are in 3 parts instead of all done in one piece as the laser etcher couldn't etch something this large. The idea was to cut the nameplate out as seen, cut the diamond tip into each side section and the three to then be silver soldered together. Colouring will be done chemically. Alas when checking the etched dimensions they aren't long enough, so I will have to make the fall plate out of 5 sections. I have plenty of spare laser etched sections to use to do this, this will become clearer when I cover the build process later.