I then tackled the two locker doors,which were nicely laser cut. The hinges were fabricated with strips of brass that had copper tube soldered to them ready to be cut up for making into individual hinges. One piece is the same thickness as the doors with the tube soldered along the top edge, the other one is thinner and the tube is laid along it's edge butting up against it. This will allow the doors to close flat against the locker panel, the doors have also had the chain holder drilled and then soldered on ready for the chain. The last detail to point out here is the small door knobs which were simple turning.


with the hinge strip now cut into individual hinges these could now be soldered on to the door. A rusty metal clip was used to both hold the hinge in the correct place and also act as a heat sink to stop the hinge falling apart


here we see the various components nearly ready for attaching to the locker panel. jobs to do were to drill the hinge where it's attached to the door for two rivets to be fixed as per prototype .Also I still needed to attach the chain to it's stub and a 1/32 rivet to the other end ready to hold the door closed via the hasp which were still to be fabricated.  Also see here are the two water gutters that fit above the doors

In this picture we can see that the front coal wall is getting there. The doors, water gutters, hasp's with chain and pins have now been fitted. It required a good clean up before moving on


A close up showing one of the water gutters with it's rivets, these were fabricated from some marquetry brass inlay, the ends were cut and rolled over before soldering back together, note the the rolled edge sits below the bottom edge of the gutter. The last thing to do here was to fit the chain with it's pin attached to hold the door closed.
