Well, it didn't take me long to clean up the tender, I also put some oil in the axleboxes while I was at it. I have now put the tender and loco together and have to say that I'm very pleased with how she's looking, I'm also very pleased with the model size when compared to full size.
A few details:
Length is currently 6' 3 3/4", this will increase a little once I have fitted the coupling pin, for now, I have just placed them roughly together. I know it's out a little as I can tell from looking at the distance between cab and tender in an early full-size photo which I'll share in this update today, the photo used is the only one that came easy to hand that is side on for comparison. a few things changed by 1938 but not the overall dimensions, just small details although the cab side sheets are much higher to match the tender and protect the crew in the new high bucket seats (fitted circa 1935) in 1938 and of course far less polished steel components.
Height is 14 3/8" or 364 mm, full size scaled-down equates to 359 mm which shows the model is close to being spot on, remember she has a fair bit more weight to add and the springs are not set yet, more importantly the measurement was taken with her sitting on her flanges, full size sitting on the rails comes in at 13' 4" which when scaled down and converted to metric comes in at approx 359 mm, good enough for me..
width is approx 9 1/2".
Ok, so on to the photo's, here's the full size, note that I have flipped this image so it's pointing in the same direction as the model. It's also taken at a lower angle but I think it shows what I'm trying to portray.

And the model, of course, we have a high sided tender in place of the early corridor type fitted in 1928 but they are similar in overall design.

A view from the back...

A few close-ups, cab looking to the tender

Cab, looking at the backhead...

looking forward from the firebox...

To conclude, the obligatory 3/4 view from the front...

Having had a chat today with Bruce (he of that beautiful 7 1/4 N2 fame) he kindly sent me a scaled-down drawing of the fire hole door which is superb. Yes, before anyone points it out, I know it's upside down, Bruce's N2 is left-hand drive whereas 4472 in 1938 was right, I have put it up the wrong way just to get a visual when compared to full size. it looks great but I have decided to increase the size just by 5%, this equates to approximately an extra 1mm all round. It won't really notice and is still a lot smaller and closer to scale than Don's drawing.
Here's a picture, it's only barely taped in situ and not very square but is good enough to judge for size...

I also took a look at the cab and tender clearance for yours truely's big hands, Trying to judge where I'll be sitting I can reach all of the controls and be able to fire on the move easily enough, I'm not saying it's going to be like driving a 'Sweet Pea' but it's practical enough for me. The important parts are easy to hand, steam valves, water gauges, blower, regulator, brakes, reverser, drain cocks, whistle and sanding gear are all to hand. The drop grate and damper would be the furthest from my reach being down low on the backhead, I can still reach them though. You may recall that I plan to increase the gap between tender and engine to match the scale, technically this will push me further away but also give more room between front coal wall and engine roof. Should be fine, I'll design a driving trolley to get me as close to the tender as possible anyway.
So here's a view looking into the cab to show what I have...

This left the manifold controls, IIRC there are 6 valves here (7 but one should be blanked off) the last photo (and the previous) shows that as stated some years ago, I made the vent housing as a removable unit just for this job, I'll easily be able to both see the valves and operate them if required although this is unlikely to be required for normal day to day steaming.

When I can I'll get the loco on the track and sit on a driving trolley coupled to it to see how it all pans out, I'll try to resist being towed around the circuit as it's not properly oiled yet and may need some bolts tightened and Loctite'd first.
Other jobs done today although I failed to take pictures are to paint the upper section of the front vacuum standpipe black and I also made a start on the cab doors. Tomorrow I'm hoping that I can do a test fit into my son's van to take it on Saturday, this may be a problem which I do understand, they can't all drop everything for me.
Today 4472 took a trip to the club track for Brian's club visit day, an annual event. I had a very enjoyable day and wish to thank anyone here who was there for their kind comments on my model, it certainly helps me to go onward with this herculean task that I've given myself, thank you chaps.
I took a picture (of course) of he sitting in the steam bay under today's lovely sun, it's always nice to see her in direct sunlight.

She will be down the club again this Wednesday for the 'Bob Todd' memorial day where I'll take the usual 3 view pictures for comparison to last year as my judge to see how much I've done over the last 12 months.
In all today was a great day and in great company, thank you to all.
I've just had these excellent photo's sent to me by Owen Chapman of Saturday's meet, thought I'd share them here as they are much better than mine...the colour is much more vivid and of course the resolution is far higher , looks great...